Current Observation

Pollen Alder, Birch, Grass, Mugwort, Ragweed
Pollutants NH3, CO, NO2, Ozone, PM10, PM2.5, SO2

Weather animations


Weather diagram
  • TodayFirst overcast. In the second half of the day strong rain with dry intervals. Temperatures between 6 and 11 degrees.
  • TueIn the first half of the day strong rain or thunderstorms. In the second half of the day partly sunny. Temperatures at night 3, in the afternoon 9 degrees.
  • WedAll day cloudy. Temperatures at night 3, in the afternoon 12 degrees.
  • ThuLight rain with longer dry intervals. Temperatures between 4 and 10 degrees.
  • FriStrong continuous rain. Temperatures between 3 and 7 degrees.
  • 11°
  • 12°
  • 10°