Current Observation

Station: Col du Grand St-Bernard, 2470 m above sea level

Temperature 4.2 °C
Sunshine 0 of 10 min
Precipitation 0 mm/h
Wind speed 10 km/h
Wind direction W
Wind gusts 21 km/h
Relative humidity 86%
Pressure 753 hPa
Snow coverage 0 cm
Altitude difference to Pas de Cherferie (2128 m.a.s.l.) 342 m
Distance 72.9 km

Weather animations


Weather diagram
  • TodayFrom 15 to 20 some showers with dry intervals. From 20 o'clock partly sunny. Temperatures around 7 degrees.
  • TueIn the first half of the day first partly cloudy, from 7 o'clock showers. From 11 to 16 rain. In the evening showers with dry intervals. Temperatures at night 4, in the afternoon 10 degrees.
  • WedIn the first half of the day rain with longer dry intervals. In the second half of the day rain. Temperatures between 3 and 8 degrees.
  • ThuIn the first half of the day mostly dry, between 2 and 6 o'clock rain and snow showers. In the second half of the day strong rain. Temperatures at night 1, in the afternoon 7 degrees.
  • FriAt the beginning overcast. In the second half of the day strong rain. Temperatures between 0 and 6 degrees.